The hobby brings out the worst in people at times, and it is unfortunate to see just how easily unknowing newbie collectors can fall prey to the scam artist. With the reproduction of vintage sets meant to give the general public a chance at owning otherwise difficult to find cards, comes the theives who take advantage of the uneducated consumer.
Seller: genealogycat This person has 1954 Topps Archives cards listed as if they where the original thing. They give no indication that their cards are in fact reproductions from the 1994 Topps Archives Set.
1954 Topps#37 WHITEY FORD item# 5198331767Archives Card

54 Topps Card

As you can see the 54 Topps issue has no white border at the top. Currently they have eight other Archives cards listed inculding:
1954 TOPPS #90 WILLIE MAYS Item# 5201385654
Seller: wyttygr A new player in the bogus vintage card market who mainly uses one and three day auctions to lure his prey and hide under the radar. This past month this person has sold
1952 TOPPS MANTLE item # 5201780751 final price $355.00
1952 TOPPS ROBINSON item# 5201248439 final price $127.50
1933 GOUDEY BABE RUTH item #5190844903 final price $169.50
1953 TOPPS MANTLE item# 5190843607 final price $ 223.50
Currently selling:
1952 TOPPS ROBINSON item# 5201248439 current price: $127.50
Seller: rkwk112997 Sells graded vintage cards but happened to purchase this ungraded card and is now trying to dump it.
1952 topps mickey mantle item# 5201184884This person seems to have a shill ID in the name of
alans1727 who happnes to have purchased over 16 cards at the original starting bid.
Seller: deal1st New dealer with the usual suspect cards.
Recently sold:
Mickey Mantle 1952 Topps item# 5200535218 final price: BIN $400.00
Currently Listed:
Babe Ruth Goudey - No. 144 item# 5200535742 BIN $250.00
Babe Ruth Goudey - No. 53 item# 5200535999 BIN $250.00
YOGI Berra 1948 item# 5200536511 BIN $250.00
Ty Cobb item# 5201661914 BIN $250.00
Ty Cobb item# 5201661609 BIN $250.00
Ty Cobb item# 5201662144 BIN $250.00
Seller: msmcollectibles Purchased a card on 3/11/05
from a known seller of bad
Mantle's junkmanbillyjoe. Guess they are now trying to recoup their losses by duping someone else.
1952 Topps Mantle item# 5201208227
Topps 1953 Mickey Mantle item# 5201218834Seller: antia2005 Bought this card
1964 Topps Mickey Mantle #50 sold
1964 Topps Mickey Mantle item# 5195724202 final price $67.00
Currently selling:
1952 Topps Mickey Mantle 1934 Goudey Lou Gehrig item # 52019735586Seller: kurri89 I don't believe with a private feedback score of 50% this person sold this:
MICKEY MANTLE 1953 TOPPS final price $154.50
Wishing everyone a Happy and Safe Memorial Day weekend and remember
Before You Bid Arm Yourself With Knowledge !